
Gearing Up for a New School Year

We are just one day from August now, and I, like many teachers, am turning my thoughts fully back to school mode. I am entering the 2014-2015 school year with great excitement. Last year was a year of change and firsts as I accepted a new job in a new school/state and had so much to learn. Returning to this school and role for my second year (seventh as a teacher), gives me the time to really begin to plan some changes I want to make and the opportunity to try some new things.

One of the biggest changes that I am looking forward to trying this year is creating a Makerspace for our Media Center. I've spent hours reading great blogs and searching Pinterest for inspiration. Boy, did I find it. I saw everything from full lego walls to coding programs to Makey Makey pianos. I couldn't pin quickly enough. My goal over the next month is to begin collecting the items that will bring this Makerspace to life so that our kids have a new outlet for exploration.

I plan to document this school year using this blog. After slowly wading into the wonderful world of Twitter last year, I've seen the impact that a PLN can have and I hope that this blog can serve as one more piece of my PLN to help me continue to connect with and learn from other educators.

Here's to all the other educators who are gearing up for a great school year!

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